Days 6 & 7: Balance

Days 6 & 7: Balance

Mikayla said that every Splendor female had at some point borne the proud, difficult, necessary duty of being the only female on the bus. And, she said, she’d see me in Los Angeles, and godspeed. Seven days later, here we were.

Day 5: Contrast

Day 5: Contrast

Mornings are usually pretty nice on tour. It's later in the day that usually sucks. On tour, our experiences stack up against each other like the sour and sweet layers of a warhead.

Day 4: Poco y Poco

Day 4: Poco y Poco

One week in August, Wiley, Whitney and a crew of volunteers convened in Drum Canyon to cut a giant hole in the side of the bus. In souping up our converted school bus, we often have to go a little backwards before we can go a lot forwards.