Notes: Let me start by explaining what I do. I am an illusionist. I work with stories. I build stories that melt seamlessly into people’s lives. A client will contact me wanting to something magical for her spouse. He’s a successful CPA. He walks everyday to work along the same rigid sidewalk, underneath the same overpass, past the same Starbucks until he reaches the security of his office and work. She wants to do something special for him. Something out of the ordinary. Something that could fundamentally change how he moves through the world.
We start by discussing his dreams, habits, hobbies… Any piece of information is useful. Then I… I craft a story. For instance, one of my clients who I can’t name, oh let’s call her Mary, her grandfather asked me to write her a story. I started by sending her a map. A letter without a return address with postage dated 30 years ago. Inside were three strings of equal distance. It was a map of Golden Gate Park. I drew an intricate set of directions on the back to a space I had chosen to bury a treasure. Her first task was to find a buried treasure using the strings. Do you know what kind of affect this can have on a 52 year old woman, Chase?”